
Abstract A small plot study was conducted to evaluate selected insecticides and combinations of insecticides for their efficacy against the SPWF in cucurbits. Cucumbers were planted in 40 inch beds with one guard row planted to sudan grass between each row. Experimental plots measuring one row by 25 feet were established shortly after plant emergence. Plots were arranged in a random complete block design with four replications. Insecticide applications were initiated at the three true leaf stage, with applications made on 1, 7 and 12 Oct, 1992. Insecticides were applied with the CO2 pressurized backpack sprayer (40 PSI), with three lOx hollow cone nozzles per row (1 overtop, 2 on drops), in a total volume of 50 GPA. Adult SPWF were monitored 24 hours after each application by counting the number of adults on the first fully expanded leaf from the growing terminal on three randomly selected plants per plot. For evaluation of immatures the 5th and 7th leaf were sampled on two randomly selected plants per plot. All immature SPWF were counted on two 2.2 cm diameter disks cut from each leaf (8 disks per plot).

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