
The model system of liver damage produced by CCl4 in rats is recognized to be much like viral hepatitis in humans from both morphological and functional points of view. CCl4-induced liver damage was modeled in monolayer cultures of rat primary hepatocytes with a focus on involvement of covalent binding of CCl4 metabolites to cell components and/or peroxidative damage as the cause of injury Hibiscus surattensis belonging to the family Malvaceae is a herbaceous, trailing or scrambling, plant of moist waste places from Senegal to W Cameroons and generally widespread throughout the World tropics and in several parts of India. The plant has been used extensively in the traditional medicine as hepatoprotective. In the present study, Methanolic Extract of Hibiscus surattensis (MEHS) exhibit strong hepatoprotective activity, afforded protection CCl4induced liver damage. Hepatoprotective activity of MEHS may be due to free radical scavenging activity of fatty acids, proteins, lipids etc. The results suggested that methanolic extract of Hibiscus surattensis could palliate the liver injuries perhaps by its antioxidative effect, hence eliminating the deleterious effect of toxic metabolites from the CCl4.

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