The study investigates the communicative proficiency skills and content's suitability in Unlock textbook. The study adopts a descriptive analytic method, student questionnaire, and teacher interview as an instrument of data collection. The findings of the study have revealed that Unlock textbook is a well-designed textbook activating the basic interpersonal communicative skills and cognitive proficiency aspect in terms of academic English language, applying critical thinking skills, and providing students with suitable communicative proficiency and academic skills. Nonetheless, it consumes lots of time in using video exercises as warming ups and it is based on problem solving approach which contrasts students' learning process' familiarity approach which is based on rote learning. The study recommends that Video exercises in Unlock should be reduced to one exercise, critical thinking should be integrated with the skills as reflection, and Unlock one should be composed of phonological awareness lessons to provide students with reading remedial classes.
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