
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the ectopic pregnancy in Mosul city.
 Methods: A cross sectional study in which 88 females attended to Al- Salam hospital in Mosul city from 2017 - 2019. All females with current ectopic pregnancy included and any women with no EP has been excluded.
 Results: mean age (28.7 ± 6) years old, 59% of females at age group 21 – 30 years old 27% of them at age group 31 – 40 years old and 10 % in age group 11 – 20 years old, the main complain of females: abdominal pain (31.8%), abdominal pain and bleeding (23.9%), irregular bleeding (17%) and other complain. Type of infertility of females: no infertility (61.4 %), primary (21.6 %) and secondary (17.0%). 45.5 % of females had infection and all females history of operation was ovarian cyst (6.8%), appendicitis (11.4 %), ART (13.6%) and 55.7% of them with no any history of previous operation. 86% of females get pregnancy by normal ways and 14% get by IVF. 97% of females with no history of previous EP. 14% of them use contraception ( pills 3%, IUCDS 7%, injectable 4%). 37.5% of females in our study with no baby while 24% with 1 baby and 19% with 2 and above 3 babies respectively. 35% of females with history of previous abortion ( 24% 1 abortion, 8% 2 abortion, 2% 3 abortion and 1% 4 abortion). 91% of females with destruction of fallopian tube (53% left side, 43% right side and 4% other part). 98% of females with surgical treatment (Salpingectomy) while other 2% of them treated as medical treatment.
 Conclusion: There are increase in incidence of EP and decrease in mother death, main manifestations are abdominal pain, abdominal pain and bleeding and irregular bleeding so early diagnosis of females lead to decrease mortality and rapid surgical intervention decrease mortality and complication.

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