
To evaluate the status of individual hemodynamic parameters (HR) and respiratory indicators of dentists performing local anesthesia. Material and methods. In the period from April 2019 to December 2019 the determination of heart rate (Heart rate) and blood saturation at 120 doctors aged 25-55 years was performed. The value of blood saturation by non-invasive pulse oximeter technique: SpO2 measurement range 0-99%; heart rate range 18-300 beats per minute. The limit of 95-98% was considered normal. However, we consider it correct to note the introduction of an error of 0.1% due to the constant wearing of a dentist's tight polymer mask. All subjects were preliminarily determined by Robergs-Landvere formula: maximum heart rate (MF)=205.8-(0.685·age). Maximum HR limits for the groups of subjects were 185.6±3.1 beats per minute in the first group; 178.7±3.1 beats per minute in the second group; 171.5±3.4 beats per minute in the third group. In all groups the tendency to decrease blood saturation in case of pain appearance in patients during treatment against the background of block anesthesia, as well as during anesthesia on the mandible was determined. The definition of SpO2 showed a slight downward trend in blood saturation when pain occurs within normal parameters. Thus, the limit of changes in the index against the background of performed local anesthesia on the mandible was 95.2-96.1% and 96.3-96.6% on the maxilla. Measurement of arterial oxygen saturation in dentists showed a tendency for a slight decrease in this indicator within the normal range when the patient developed pain. Thus, the limit of changes in the indicator against the background of local anesthesia on the lower jaw was 95.2-96.1%, on the upper jaw - 96.3-96.6%.

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