
It is very important to evaluate the statues of water bodies to develop a strategic plan of water management. Most of the water resources around the world are at risk and suffering with water shortage (quantities) and quality as a result of anthropogenic activities and climate change phenomena, which has adversely influenced the water quality. The quality of water in Darbandikhan Reservoir was evaluated for irrigation uses by physio-chemical parameters and implanting the (IWQG) index. Water quality index (IWQG) is a unique tool that has been recently developed in order to assess the Iraqi water resources. It helps to evaluate the overall water quality situation and its results are very helpful to choose appropriate management techniques. The outcomes of the present study revealed that the values of (IWQG) are ranged between (54.81) to (56.67) and most of the stations fall under (Moderate Restriction) category, which means that the quality of water in the reservoir is suitable for irrigation especially for light texture soil. This indicates that there is a requirement to implement a strategic plan with long term management in order to save Darbandikhan reservoir’s water quality as one of the most important local water resource.

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