
This research tries to examine the success of Badix implementation as Information System in Telkomsel,which is the largest Indonesian telecom company, using DeLone and McLean (2003) model. The success of Badix that hasthe role of Decision Supporting System (DSS) is measured through user satisfaction variable. This study is purposed toadopt DeLone and McLean model to test the relationship of information quality, system quality, and service quality fromBadix with user satisfaction variable. Furthermore, this study will also examine the effect of user satisfaction on the netbenefits obtained. The Delone and McLean (2003) models are modified by removing the intention to use and use variablesby looking at the fact that Badix Information System is a mandatory DSS in Telkomsel Regional Sumbagsel. The typeof research is conclusive research based on data population coming from 47 people who have access (authorization) toBadix DSS. Sampling is done by using purposive sampling, with minimum requirement of respondent to be workingin Telkomsel Regional Sumbagsel for more than one year and having used badix for more than six months. From thequestionnaire distributed, 37 respondents were in accordance with the minimum requirements to be a sample in thisstudy. Data analysis technique was multivariate dependent-based which is variance-based matrix Structural EquationModeling (VB-SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) as the software used. The result showed that the system quality(path 0.24), information quality (path 0.49) gave significant influence on User’s satisfaction by 47%. User’s satisfactionfrom Badix gives significant effect on net benefits of 41% proportion, while Service quality is not proven empirically togive significant influence on User’s Satisfaction.

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