
In general, all aspects and assessment criteria were met. However, it would be better if the supervision was carried out periodically by the school. However, several aspects and criteria have not been achieved, such as a detailed standard review, several general administration learning targets that have not been achieved, and three characteristics of education quality that have not been met. For this reason, the school must continue to evaluate so that later general administration learning is carried out more effectively and beneficially for the parties concerned. This research is a qualitative research. In this study, the author uses a case study as an investigative method. Furthermore, the research design model used is the discrepancy evaluation (DEM) model. Data collection techniques used: interviews with the school (principals, and teachers), students and parents, document study, and observation. In this study, the researcher used Miles and Huberman model data analysis, namely data analysis carried out at the time of data collection and after data collection was completed in a certain period. Activities in the data analysis model are data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results of this study will have a positive and significant impact on the general administration learning program at this school if the parties optimize as much as possible in minimizing existing gaps and obstacles so that the positive impact of online learning that is carried out is more effective and widespread. Apart from that, future research can continue to explore the alignment between the national learning regulations of general administration and school regulations, as well as the readiness of school information technology facilities in implementing maximum learning.

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