
The face mask has been widely used by consumers as a skin care product. In addition, masks made from natural ingredients have become one of the consumers' choices. This study aimed to evaluate facial mask cream from sweet granadilla fraction related to antioxidant activity, tyrosinase inhibition, and physical stability of the preparation for 12w. The fraction used was the ethyl acetate fraction from sweet granadilla seeds (Passiflora ligularis Juss), which was formulated in a face mask cream preparation and tested for antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP), tyrosinase inhibition, and stability of the preparation during 12w of storage. Face mask cream showed very strong antioxidant activity at F2(2% seed ethyl acetate fraction) at a temperature of 30±2oC and 40± 2oC compared to F1(1% seed ethyl acetate fraction). Meanwhile, the best inhibition of tyrosinase was at F2 at a temperature of 40±2oC. The physical stability test still met the requirements. However, a slight decrease in antioxidant activity and tyrosinase inhibition occurred after 12 w of storage at temperatures 30±2oC and 40±2oC (F1 and F2). In conclusion, the 2% seed ethyl acetate fraction formulation met the standards and was relatively stable at 30±2oC during 12w of storage.

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