
Background:Conventional therapeutic agents used for treatment of Acne are associated with various adverse effects necessitating development of safe and effective alternative therapeutic agents. In this context, a polyherbal formulation AHPL/AYCAP/0413 was developed for treatment of Acne.Objectives:To evaluate Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity of AHPL/AYCAP/0413.Material and Methods:1) Anti-inflammatory activity: Anti-inflammatory activity of AHPL/AYCAP/0413 in comparison with Diclofenac was assessed in carrageenan induced rat Paw edema model. 2) Anti-microbial activity for P. acne: Propionibacterium acnes were incubated under anaerobic conditions. Aliquots of molten BHI with glucose agar were used as the agar base. Formulation and clindamycin (10 μg/ml) were introduced in to the Agar wells randomly. 3) Anti-microbial activity for Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus: Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus were incubated under aerobic conditions at 37°C. TSB with glucose agar was used as the agar base. 0.5ml of formulation and clindamycin (10 μg/ml) were introduced in to the wells randomly. The antibacterial activity was evaluated by measuring zones of inhibition (in mm).Result:Significant reduction in rat paw edema (51% inhibition) was observed with formulation AHPL/AYCAP/0413 which was also comparable to that of Diclofenac (58% inhibition). Zone of inhibition for formulation was 18.33 mm, 19.20 mm and 26.30 mm for P. acnes, S. epidermidis and S. aureus respectively. This activity was also comparable to that of Clindamycin.Conclusion:AHPL/AYCAP/0413 capsule possesses significant Anti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial activities which further justifies its role in the management of Acne vulgaris.SUMMARY Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of polyherbal formulation AHPL/AYCAP/0413 were evaluatedAHPL/AYCAP/0413 contains Guduchi extract (Tinospora cordifolia), Manjishtha extract (Rubia cordifolia), Sariva extract (Hemidesmus indicus), Nimba extract (Azardirachta indica), Khadira extract (Acacia catechu) and Kakmachi extract (Solanum nigrum)Anti-inflammatory activity of AHPL/AYCAP/0413 in comparison with Diclofenac was assessed in carrageenan induced rat Paw edema model. Significant reduction in rat paw edema (51% inhibition) was observed with formulation AHPL/AYCAP/0413 which was also comparable to that of Diclofenac (58% inhibition)Anti-microbial activity of AHPL/AYCAP/0413 was assessed against Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. Zone of inhibition for formulation was 18.33 mm, 19.20 mm and 26.30 mm for P. acnes, S. epidermidis and S. aureus respectively indicating 68.42%, 85.71% and 81.17% activity. This activity was also comparable to that of ClindamycinTherefore it is evident that, AHPL/AYCAP/0413 capsule possesses significant Anti-inflammatory and Anti-microbial activities which further justifies its role in the management of Acne vulgaris. Abbreviations Used: mg: Milligram, kg: Kilogram, w/v: Weight by volume, ml: Milliliters, h: Hour, BHI: Brain Heart Infusion, CFU: Colony forming units, μg: Microgram, A.I.: Activity index, P.I.: Percent inhibition, TSB: Trypticsoy Broth, mm: millimeters, P. acnes: Propionibacterium acnes, S. epidermidis: Staphylococcus epidermidis, S. aureus: Staphylococcus aureus.

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