
Advanced selections 93-149-3, 93-157-1, 98-279-25, cultivars 'Dailia' (Lithuania), 'Ores', 'Tines', 'Tiben', 'Tisel', 'Bona', 'Ceres', 'Ruben' (Poland) with standard cultivar 'Titania' (Sweden) were tested at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2006-2010. Two-year-old bushes were planted in the cultivar trail in 2006. Phenological traits, plant morphology, winter hardiness, yield, fruit size and resistance to fungal diseases: anthracnose (Pseudopeziza ribis Kleb.), leaf spot (Septoria ribis Lib./Desm.) and gall mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Westw.) were studied in 2009-2010. Results from investigations showed that bushes of selection 93-149-3 and cultivar 'Bona' bloomed the earliest, but bushes of cultivar 'Tines' - the latest. Fruits of 'Bona' and selection 93-149-3 ripened also the earliest, but selections 93-157-1 and 98-279-25, cultivars 'Tiben', 'Tines' and 'Dailiai' were the latest in ripening. Plants of cultivars 'Tines', 'Dailiai', 'Tiben', 'Titania' and selection 93-149-3 were the most winter hardy in the weather conditions of Lithuania. Genotypes 93-157-1, 'Ores', 'Tines' and 'Tiben' produced the highest fruit yield. The largest fruits had 'Dailiai', 93-157-1 and 98-279-25. Cultivars 'Tines', 'Tiben', 'Ruben', 'Dailiai' and selection 93-149-3 were the most resistant to leaf spot, 'Ores', 'Tines', 'Titania', selections 93-157-1 and 93-149-3 - to anthracnose, 'Titania', 'Ores', 'Tines', 'Tisel' and 'Ceres' - to gall mite.

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