
Largely produced in India's Agricultural waste, biogas is the raw material of the future for production. Based on agricultural waste and biogas Agricultural waste management for the circular economy, Biogas production and utilization and policy support need coordination. From agricultural wastes Biogas production potential, Along with government initia tives, policy regulations upgrading and utilization this article discusses it in detail. Additionally, 35 are efficient for a biogas based circular economy Barriers to preventing the generation of agricultural waste and Agricultural Waste management, energy production and climate change mitigation to meet the growing needs Future research opportunities are also discussed. The Objective of this thesis finding the best cleaning location for Agricultural waste or (WASPAS) method shows. The time and attendance software selection problem of a private hospital, Inter Criteria Correlation (CRITIC) and Based on Weighted Aggregate Product Assessment (WASPAS) methods a new integrated decision-making approach is used. Weights of criteria are determined by the CRITIC method and alternatives to find the most suitable alternative Sorted by WASPAS method. Combining CRITIC and WASPAS methods for the first time the novelty of this article is in the literature. The Weighted Ag gregate Product Assessment (WASPAS) method, Used to assess the adverse effects of project risks. Compared to alternative ranking independent methods this method is efficient and highly accurate. WASPAS method One of the newer multi indicator decision-making techniques, It is accepted and used in many areas. Ultimate analysis C, Ultimate analysis H, Ulti mate analysis O, Ultimate analysis N, Ultimate analysis S there are alternatives parameter and Chicken litter (dried), Swine solids (dried), Feedlot manure (dried), Beef feedlot manure (dried) there are evaluation parameters. S has the top rank in Ul timate Analysis, while O has the lowest rank in Ultimate Analysis.

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