
Abstract Twelve treatments were evaluated for relative efficacy against aphids on cotton planted 8 May in Marrietta sandy loam soil on the Plant Science Research Farm, Mississippi State, MS. Plots were 4 rows (96.6 cm centers), by 22 m with 4 unsprayed buffer rows. Treatments were arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. Applications were made on 6 Jul by high clearance spray tractor equipped with a compressed air spray system and 2, TX4 nozzles per row spaced 48.3 cm apart. Tractor speed was 6.4 km/h and the total volume was 46.8 1/ha. The spray boom was maintained at approximately 46 cm above the average height of the terminals. Aphids were counted on one half of the abaxial surface of each of 10 leaves chosen at random within 15 m of row at each of 2 levels: a leaf 4 nodes down from the apical meristem and a mainstem leaf approximately 1/3 down the plant from the terminal. Data were adjusted to represent aphids/leaf. A fungul epizootic reduced the aphid population drastically following the 13 Jul sample and populations remained too low for evaluation for the remainder of the season.

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