
Background: Today, man is aware that the consequences of his damages on nature, such as water, air and soil pollutions, are far more than the advantages which he takes. Therefore, he looks for a basic solution. According to the role of healthy environment in promotion and protection of mental and physical health, benefiting from the environmental ethics and proper behaviors in use of God’s blessings, which are a part of Islamic lifestyle, is an effective reply to current needs of man, because by implying and taking advantage of the Islamic lifestyle, environmental health is provided. Objectives: According to the importance of protecting the environment and the necessity of taking advantage of Quran as a book of human guidance, the present study was performed to evaluate the relation between God and universe, and its role in promotion of environmental ethics and improvement of lifestyle from the viewpoint of Quran, to competently deal with the environment, and provide examples from Quranic models of environmental ethics. Materials and Methods: The present study was a descriptive-analytical survey. In the current study, careful consideration of the relationship between God and universe and its role in environmental ethics from the viewpoint of Quran was an applicable case and also the Quranic models of environmental ethics, which affect human lifestyle, were provided by evaluation of 46 versus of holy Quran. Results: Today, improvement and modification of human lifestyle to take advantage of the environment properly is one of the main concerns of the Islamic regime. The present study showed that according to the Quranic teachings, believing in God guarantees the observation of environmental ethics, and these teachings help man to stay away from actions which damage the environment, to get closer to God, and make friendly relation with universe through these actions. The man should be grateful for God’s blessings, and follow Quranic ethical models of facing the environment which leads everyone to enjoy from healthy environment. Conclusions: From the viewpoint of holy Quran, knowing the creator and understanding its relation with creation system, is one of the duties of the caliph of God on earth. Advent of the models of environmental ethics needs religious and scientific supports, and enough knowledge about descriptions such as creator and creature, Lord and servant, owner and the owned, and feeder and the fed, because these models can have a direct effect on the promotion of environmental ethics, and improvement and modification of lifestyle. Especially if this knowledge has an approach toward the faith in God, it can help to protect man and environmental health.

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