
Although there are many wastewater treatment plants, we still suffer from many problems resulting from a lack of experience or technical operating problems. In this research, the service’s efficiency is evaluated according to the design laws required for small factories in the province of Najaf, which works with filtering technology through point filtration, the old project in the Al-Baraka plant, and the second works. Within the biological treatment mbbr + activated sludge, which is a biomass technology where samples were taken from both plants and annual values of the pollutant rate after treatment in the old Al-Baraka plant project COD 64 mg/L and the demand for biochemical oxygen (79) mg/L, the total suspended matter TSS 60 mg / L, PO4 phosphate 2.67 mg / L, NH3 11.46 mg / L, while Turbo 4 BIO results were as follows: 15 mg / L and 28, 83 mg / L, 2.6 mg / L and 6.173 mg / L each who are they. BOD, COD, TSS, PO4, and NH3 respectively, the results were the removal efficiency of the old brake project as follows: BOD 78%, COD 60%, TSS 60, PO4 63% compared to the Bio-Shaft project, the removal is done as follows: BOD8 9%, TSS, COD 60% PO4 60%, NH3 53%. Through the previous results, we conclude that the outputs of both stations are within the standards and permissible limits of the Iraqi specifications, but the Turbo 4Bio plant showed higher efficiency in terms of removal, and the reason may be that the old project needs periodic maintenance.

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