Field experiments were conducted during 2008/2009, 2009/2010and 2010/2011 seasons at Sids Agric. Res. Station, Bani-SwiefGovernorate, Egypt. These trials aimed at investigate the effect ofirrigation number, i.e. I1: transplanting irrigation (TPI), I1: TPI + Liveirrigation (LI), I3: TPI + LI + 2nd irrigations and I4: TPI+ LT+ 2nd +3rd+ 4th irrigations on vegetative growth, bulb yield, storability and waterproductivity of three onion varieties namely V1: Giza 6 Mohassan, V2:Giza 20 and V3: Giza Red. A split-plot design with four replicates wasused. The most important results could be summarized as follows:-1- Plant height, leaves number /plant and bulb diameter weresignificantly increased with increasing irrigation to I4 treatments inthe three seasons. Giza Red variety significantly surpassed Giza 6Mohassan and Giza 20 in these growth characters in all seasons.Growth attributes were significantly affected by the interactionbetween irrigation and varieties except for plant height in the 1stand 3rd seasons and bulb diameter in the 2nd season.2- Irrigation treatments and varieties significantly affected bulb weight,dry matter presentage, days to maturity, marketable yield, culb andtotal yield in the three season. The higher values of marketableyield, i.e. 12.60, 13.06 and 13.45 t/fed., as well as total yield, i.e.15.74, 15.37 and 16.10 t/fed. In 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and2010/2011 seasons, respectively were detected from I4 irrigationtreatment and Giza Red variety. However, the dry matter (%)decreased with increasing irrigation number in all seasons.3- Water consumptive use values over irrigation treatments andvarieties were 766.88, 798.7 and 792.1 m3/fed. in 2008/2009,2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons, respectively, including thetransplanting irrigation. Irrigation Giza 20 variety at 5 irrigation(I4) gave the highest consumptive use values, i.e. 1310.0, 1331.3and 1316.3 m3/fed in the three successive seasons.4- Increasing irrigation number applied resulted in lower waterproductivity for all varieties. Giza red variety irrigated oneirrigation (I1) was the more efficient variety in water utilizationthan Giza 6 Mohassan and Giza 20 varieties. These results werefound to be true for water productivity. The highest water useefficiency, i.e. 16.88, 25.20 and 16.12 kg/m3 water consumed inirrigated according to irrigation treatment (I4), exhibited highestwater consumptive use values as compared in 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 seasons, respectively were observedfrom irrigating Giza red variety one irrigation only.5- In the three seasons, lower values of bulb weight losses (%) wereobtained under the irrigation treatments, I3 after two and fourmonths storage periods, whereas after six months, I4 irrigationtreatment exhibited the lowest value. Also, lower values of bulbweight losses (%) were recorded by Giza 6 mohassan as comparedwith Giza 20 or Giza Red varieties.
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