SummaryAn understanding of the ecological factors influencing nest success and the effectiveness of management activities focused on improving nest success can be critical to successful conservation strategies for rare or declining species. Over seven breeding seasons (2006–2012) we examined the influence of nest spacing and habitat characteristics on hatching success for the nationally threatened Pacific coast population of the Snowy PloverCharadrius nivosusin coastal Washington, USA in two study areas. Specifically, we assessed the influence of clutch age, nesting season date, distance to conspecific nests, perpendicular distance to the high-tide (wrack) line, vegetation cover and other habitat characteristics at three spatial scales (1m2, 5m2, and 25 m2) centred on the nest. We also assessed the effectiveness of wire mesh cages placed around nests to exclude mammalian and avian nest-predators. We discovered and monitored 307 nests, placed predator exclosures around 142 of these nests and measured habitat variables at 251. Our selected base model included site and quadratic function of season-date. For the analysis examining habitat effects on nest success, only models with distance to nearest active nest ranked higher than the baseline model even when removing the nests that were very distant from conspecific nests (outliers). For these unexclosed nests, predation was the primary source of nest failure and crows and ravens were apparently the primary nest predators. Predator exclosures had a clear positive influence on nest survival. Even though we observed a positive exclosure effect, we recommend that they be used cautiously because we and others have observed adult mortality associated with exclosures. Regardless of the spatial scale, Snowy Plovers are primarily using nest sites with little vegetation, shell or woody material cover suggesting the need for large expanses of very sparsely or unvegetated habitats that allow birds to nest semi-colonially (with near neighbours).
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