
Nowadays, freight logistics industries are seeking to adopt green freight practices in their transport systems to reduce environmental concerns; efficient green freight practices lead to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while using less energy and material. The freight logistics industry, despite its significant contribution to a country's monetary development and economic welfare, is not well regarded because of its role in contaminating the climate. However, the freight logistics industry is trying to implement a green freight transportation system to improve their image with buyers. However, they are facing a lot of obstacles. Therefore, this article seeks to identify the barriers to the implementation of green freight in first world and third world nations and formulate them into a single numeric index. The interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy set based graph theory and matrix approach technique has been used in this research to derive the green freight barrier impact index value. The PERMAN algorithm is used to compute the permanent function of matrices. Findings suggest that the freight logistics industries in third world nations should pay more attention to societal and managerial barriers for successful implementation of green freight. This research will assist policymakers and managers of freight logistics industries to create strategies to overcome the hurdles in properly implementing green freight practices.

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