
The coronavirus-19 pandemic has impacted the delivery of medical education in dermatology, leading to decreased patient contact. There arose a need to pioneer innovative teaching tools to augment current methods for now and beyond the pandemic. We aimed to assess the utility of three-dimensional (3D) images in the learning and teaching of dermatology by analysing the perceptions of medical undergraduates and faculty members in a qualitative and quantitative study. Medical undergraduates (n = 119) and dermatology faculty members (n = 20) were recruited on a voluntary basis to watch a showcase session using a portable 3D imaging system allowing 3D images of skin lesions to be examined and digitally manipulated. After the session, participants filled in an anonymous questionnaire evaluating their perceptions. Of the 119 learners, most (> 84%) strongly agreed/agreed that (i) they would have more confidence in the field of dermatology; (ii) their ability to describe skin lesions would increase; (iii) their understanding of common dermatological conditions would increase; (iv) 3D images allow a greater approximation to real-life encounters than 2D images; and (v) learning with this modality would be useful. Of the 20 faculty members, most (> 84%) strongly agreed/agreed that (i) it is easier to teach with the aid of 3D images, and (ii) they would want access to 3D images during teaching sessions. Skin tumours were perceived to be learnt best via this modality in terms of showcasing topography (P < 0.01) and close approximation to real-life (P < 0.001). Overall, thematic analysis from qualitative analysis revealed that conditions learnt better with 3D images were those with surface changes and characteristic topography. Our results show that the greatest utility of 3D images lies in conditions where lesions have skin surface changes in the form of protrusions or depressions, such as in skin tumours or ulcers. As such, 3D images can be useful teaching tools in dermatology, especially in conditions where appreciation of surface changes and topography is important.

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