
Bulkfill composite resin can be applied in “bulk” up to 4mm and it can be cures with LED curing lights in 10 seconds. Time exposure affects the hardness of the composite resin material. This experiment aims to determine differences in exposure time with LED on the hardness of bulkfill composite resin. This experiment is a true experiment. The samples are bulkfill composite resin with diameter of 6 mm and thickness of 4 mm. There were 3 groups of samples (n=5) and cured with LED with intensity 1000mW/cm2. Group 1 was exposed for 10 seconds, group 2 for 20 seconds, and group 3 for 40 seconds. The samples were soaked in distilled water 37oC for 24 hours in waterbath. Microvickers hardness with the load of 100 grams in 15 seconds applied to the samples on the lower and the upper surface. The result found that the ratio of hardness both 10 seconds and 20 seconds, and 20 seconds and 40 seconds are no significant. The ratio hardness of 10 seconds and 40 seconds had significant difference. Based on the research irradiation time effect resin bulkfill composite hardness. It means that the more monomer polymerized the more higher hardness could be achived. The longer exposure time can make increases hardness level.


  • Penempatan restorasi komposit konvensional pada bagian posterior menggunakan teknik incremental dengan ketebalan 2 mm membutuhkan waktu yang lama, meningkatnya risiko terjebaknya gelembung udara dan kontaminasi disetiap lapisannya.[1]

  • Time exposure affects the hardness of the composite resin material

  • Group 1 was exposed for 10 seconds

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Metode penelitian

Sampel resin komposit bulkfill diameter 6 mm dan ketebalan 4 mm, sebanyak 15 buah dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok dan disinari LED dengan intensitas 1000mW/cm[2]. Kelompok 1 disinari selama 10 detik, kelompok 2 disinari selama 20 detik dan kelompok 3 disinari selama 40 detik. Seluruh sampel kemudian direndam dalam air destilasi dengan suhu 37o C selama 24 jam lalu dilakukan pengukuran uji kekerasan menggunakan Vickers Microhardness Tester beban 100 gram dengan waktu 15 detik. Perhitungan rasio kekerasan yaitu kekerasan permukaan bawah dibagi kekerasan permukaan atas.

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Rasio Kekerasan
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