
Abstract. Bedside teaching is an essential teaching method in clinical learning for medical students. This method enables students to actively learn from a real patient, receive feedback and observe clinical teachers as role model. In a condition where there are as many as 9-10 students per group, an offline bedside would be problematic. A hybrid bedside teaching, where some of the students can still observe the patient’s examination online using zoom, is expected to be a solution to this problem. The aim of this study is to obtain evaluation from parents, medical students and clinical teachers regarding hybrid and offline bedside teaching in Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine Unisba, Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung. This study uses a descriptive observational method with parents of the patients, medical students, and clinical teachers involved in bedside teaching during July – October 2023 recruited as the subjects. Using total sampling method, we obtain 27 parents, 18 medical students, and 3 clinical teachers as study subjects. Study results: bedside teaching in our department is very well received by both parents and patients. The effectiveness of both offline and hybrid bedside teaching is still not quite good according to both medical students and clinical teachers. Nevertheless, most bedside teaching is considered by students to improve their history taking and physical examination skills. An improvement of audiovisual quality and internet connection is important to increase the effectiveness of hybrid bedside teaching as an alternative to offline method. Abstrak. Bedside teaching adalah metode pembelajaran yang esensial pada pendidikan tahap profesi kedokteran. Dengan metode ini peserta didik diharapkan dapat belajar secara aktif di depan pasien yang sesungguhnya, serta memperoleh umpan balik dan role model dari dosen klinis. Proses pembelajaran di depan pasien akan mengalami kendala jika jumlah anggota kelompok terlalu banyak, yaitu 9-10 orang. Dalam kondisi ini, metode hybrid di mana sebagian dokter muda dapat tetap mengikuti kegiatan melalui zoom, diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif metode bedside teaching di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh evaluasi mengenai pelaksanaan bedside teaching metode hybrid dan luring dari orangtua pasien, dokter muda, dan dosen klinis di Laboratorium Klinik Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (IKA) FK Unisba RS Muhammadiyah Bandung. Penelitian menggunakan metode observasional deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah orangtua pasien, dokter muda, dan dosen klinis yang terlibat dalam kegiatan bedside teaching di Lab Klinik IKA FK Unisba RSMB periode Juli – Oktober 2023 yang diambil dengan tehnik total sampling. Didapatkan subjek orangtua pasien 27 orang, dokter muda 18 orang, dan dosen klinis 3 orang. Hasil penelitian: kegiatan bedside teaching di Lab Klinik IKA FK Unisba RSMB mendapat penerimaan yang sangat baik dari orangtua dan pasien. Efektivitas bedside teaching metode luring maupun hybrid belum mendapat nilai yang cukup baik dari dokter muda maupun dosen klinis. Meskipun demikian, sebagian besar kegiatan bedside teaching oleh dokter muda dinilai dapat meningkatkan keterampilan anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik mereka. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan kualitas audiovisual dan jaringan internet untuk meningkatkan efektivitas bedside teaching hybrid sebagai alternatif metode luring.

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