
In this study, firstly, the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Home Screening Questionnaire (3-6 years form), which is used to evaluate the quality of the home environment of young children, was examined, and then the relationship between the quality of the home environment and the variables related to parents and children were examined. Data was collected from 306 mothers of young children by using Demographic Information Form, Home Screening Questionnaire and Abilities Index. The psychometric properties of the instrument were investigated by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, item analysis, and internal consistency coefficient. According to the results of the analysis, the questionnaire is a single factor instrument consisting of 12 items and its psychometric properties are at an acceptable level. There was a moderate and significant relationship between the quality of the home environment and the level of education and income of the mothers and the level of education and income of the parents living in low-quality home environments were found to be significantly lower than the other group. In addition, there is a significant and negative relationship between the developmental functions of children and the quality of the home environment. The home environment of children with lower developmental functions was found to be less favorable than the home environment of children with higher functions. The findings of the study were discussed in terms of the psychometric properties of the 12 items Turkish version of the instrument and the utility of the instrument in both the medical and educational fields .


  • Young children find many opportunities that support them to learn and develop in the home and the level of their developmental skills are affected by the quality of the home environment

  • which is used to evaluate the quality of the home environment of young children

  • the variables related to parents and children were examined

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Çalışma Grubu

Bu çalışmanın katılımcıları 3-6 yaş grubundaki 161 normal gelişen (NG) çocuk ve 145 özel gereksinimli (ÖG) çocuk olmak üzere toplam 306 çocuk ve anneleridir. NG çocuklar araştırmacıların ulaşabildiği ve herhangi bir gelişimsel problem nedeniyle bir sağlık kurumuna sevk edilmemiş çocuklardır, ÖG çocuklar ise okulöncesi kurumlar ile özel eğitim ve rehabilitasyon merkezlerinde eğitim alan çocuklardır. Çalışma grubunda yer alan ÖG çocuklar farklı yetersizlikler nedeniyle hafif düzeyde gelişim gerilikleri olan çocuklardır. Grubun büyük çoğunluğunu otizm spektrum bozukluğu (n=58, %40), zihinsel yetersizlik (n= 54, %37,2) ve dil-konuşma bozukluğu (n=14 , %9,7) olan çocuklar oluşturmakta; geri kalan çocukların ise (%13,1) öğrenme güçlüğü (n=2), görme ve işitme yetersizliği (n=9) ve fiziksel yetersizlik (n=8) tanıları bulunmaktadır. Eğitim düzeylerinin (yıl olarak) ve çalışma durumlarının, ev ortamının kalitesi ile ilişkili değişkenler olması nedeniyle, ÖG ve NG çocukların anneleri bu değişkenler açısından karşılaştırılmış; annelerin eğitim düzeyleri (t=2.19, p

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