
The article examines the evolution at the present stage of theoretical and normative ideas about the role of civil society and political parties in their relationship with the state and their influence on social processes and the economy. Most concepts, offering theoretical reflexion on this issue, appeared in the West, and due to Western influence was borrowed by Russia and other countries, where the discourse of civil society and political parties itself was Europeanized. However, the formal adherence to European intellectual fashion in the most ambitious BRICS countries has now led to the formation of its own analytical and regulatory views on the subject, only externally resembling Western primary sources. At the same time, the use of rethought European views in modernising the own discourse of civil society and political parties allows to give this discourse a respectable image and to be effectively used by the state both for domestic political purposes and in conceptual foreign policy disputes with Europe itself.


  • A b s tract The article examines the evolution at the present stage of theoretical and normative ideas about the role of civil society and political parties in their relationship with the state and their influence on social processes and the economy

  • Most concepts, offering theoretical reflexion on this issue, appeared in the West, and due to Western influence was borrowed by Russia and other countries, where the discourse of civil society and political parties itself was Europeanized

  • The formal adherence to European intellectual fashion in the most ambitious BRICS countries has led to the formation of its own analytical and regulatory views on the subject, only externally resembling Western primary sources

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Европеизация и модернизация дискурса гражданского общества и политических партий*. С. А ннотаци я В статье рассматривается вопрос об эволюции теоретических и нормативных представлений о роли гражданского общества и политических партий в их отношении с государством и влиянии на общественные процессы и экономику на современном этапе. Большинство концепций, предлагающих теоретическую рефлексию по данному вопросу, появились на Западе, и в силу западного влияния были заимствованы Россией и другими странами, где европеизировали сам дискурс гражданского общества и политических партий. При этом использование переосмысленных европейских взглядов при модернизации собственного дискурса гражданского общества и политических партий позволяет придать этому дискурсу респектабельный имидж, а государству — эффективно задействовать его и для внутриполитических целей, и при концептуальных внешнеполитических спорах с той же Европой. П. Европеизация и модернизация дискурса гражданского общества и политических партий.

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