
Based on cultural methodological tools, the trends of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Ukraine were analysed. The main attention is paid to the problems of improving the legal mechanisms for the protection of cultural heritage, the activities of public organizations for the protection of the national cultural heritage, the cooperation of state and non-governmental organizations of Ukraine with UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the EU in the field of preservation and popularization of cultural heritage. The relevance of the chosen theme determines the need to analyse cultural heritage issues. An emphasis was placed on analysing the formation and evolution of traditions, customs, norms, values in the context of everyday life history. The proclamation of 2018 as the European and Ukrainian Year of Cultural Heritage contributed to intensifying interest to the problems of preservation and further development of all types of national cultural heritage, the adoption of extremely important decisions, and the improvement of the relevant legislation. The year witnessed the maturity of the segment of civil society in Ukraine that cares for cultural heritage. Provided the state and civil society act in the format of mutual support, it is possible to provide a clear policy on this issue at the governmental, regional and local levels. Therefore, the main goal of the further movement is to achieve the unity of state bodies, public organizations, the scientific community and the private sector in preserving all kinds of cultural heritage and protecting the cultural sovereignty of Ukraine.

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