
Goal. Substantiation of theoretical and methodological approaches to the issues of promoting the cultural heritage of the Ukrainian nation in the tourism sector and ensuring sustainable development of rural areas by granting this property the status of regional or national intangible cultural heritage. Method. During the research abstract-logical method was used, which allowed to reveal the theoretical aspects of the functioning of the intangible cultural heritage. Used analytical, comparative and synthetic methods for studying scientific approaches to this phenomenon. Results It is explored that the replenishment of the diversity of the intangible cultural heritage of the regional, national, and subsequently international levels, will substantially increase the valorisation of the cultural heritage and will contribute to the tourist attractiveness of the destinations, and the development of green tourism. It is noted that the possibility of improving the state of affairs with the protection of cultural heritage in Ukraine through the use of the potential of bringing all ethnicities to the list of regional and national intangible cultural heritage. Scientific novelty. The challenges and threats of globalization in the field of culture, as the main factor driving the tourist territory, are determined. Recommendations on further promotion of tourist attractiveness of rural territories in the conditions of globalization are given because of the intangible cultural heritage. Practical significance. Publications materials can be used when substantiating the inclusion of objects in the bases of intangible cultural heritage. The necessity of introduction of electronic accounting of objects of intangible cultural heritage at levels – village, district, region is grounded. It is proposed to develop business plans of separate territories on the basis of valorisation of intangible cultural heritage.

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