
In 1869, the year the Suez Canal was completed, visits to Egypt and, therefore voyages to the Orient were increased. Crowned royals such as Prince and Princess of Wales, French Empress, Prince of Prussia, Austrian Emperor, Prince and Princess of Holland, and Duke of Aosta went on these voyages, which included cities like Alexandria, Cairo, Istanbul, and Athens. What makes these crowned royal’s travels to the Orient in 1869 distinguishing and worth investigating is the presence of women. Examining on the Istanbul part of the voyages, this research accepts women as historical actors. It aims to interpret European women’s gaze on both Ottoman Istanbul and their ‘other’, local Muslim women, through their time-space experiences. This paper focuses on travel narratives produced by the women in the suite of British and French crowned royals in the 1869 travels to decipher women’s real time-space experiences. Levant Herald (LH), a local newspaper published daily in Istanbul, was also examined to grasp locals’ perspectives simultaneously. While emphasizing the [un]met expectations of both counterparts’ (guest/local), this paper discovers diversifying positionalities of women towards their other and reveals their heterogeneous gaze. Although women’s gaze -and thus narratives- contain many orientalist codifications, their gender privileged time-space experiences challenge and disrupt some of the stereotypes and prejudices prevalent in the male-dominated literature of the period.

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