
This research examines the procedure for establishing liability for inherited debts of the testator. It is noted that the inheritance law of some European countries is undergoing transformation. Discussions on the future of inheritance law in Europe have not yet been completed, and it remains to be seen whether it has begun at all. One of the key issues is the area of ​​liability for inheritance debts, which is present in any system of inheritance law and occupies an important place.
 The article highlights the main problems of European practice on the basis of Polish law and suggests that this may be the starting point for resolving this issue on a wider European scale. Modern problems are caused by the fact that most of the principles of settlement of inheritance law were borrowed from Roman private law. Daily practice shows that the solutions developed by the legislator are not always able to satisfy modern realities. Disputes over the settlement of inheritance relations are particularly noticeable in countries that have historically been part of the so-called Eastern bloc. In the light of the ever-growing demand for the unification of substantive law, inheritance in the European Union, as well as the entry into force of Regulation (EC) № 650/2012 of the European Union and the creation of a European Certificate of Inheritance, it is interesting to study. Debt inheritance research is currently lacking in a study by scholars.
 We state the fact that inheritance law is a branch of civil law. In some countries, there is a principle that no one should maintain an inheritance against their own. Legislators create opportunities for potential heirs in different ways. Therefore, we propose to create a mechanism in legal systems that uphold the principle of universal succession, according to which the passive attitude to the inheritance of any heirs is equated to the submission of an application for acceptance of the inheritance. In fact, this is natural, as renunciation of inheritance is less common in practice than acceptance.

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