
Certain aspects, the meaning and relationship between adaptation of the private legislation of Ukraine to the requirements of theEuropean Community and private international law are analyzed in the article. The above mentioned phenomena are explored in thelight of the active integration of Ukraine into European and world space, which at the same time explains the stage of fundamentalchanges in the national system of private law.Special attention is paid to the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union dated June 27,2014, which became the basis for deepening the processes of democratization and liberalization in all spheres of life, including thesphere of regulation of private law relations complicated by a foreign element – the legal relations that make up the subject matter ofinternational private law.The concept, features and legal aim of adaptation in law in the context of European integration changes were the subject todetailed analysis. Various approaches of scientists in terms of characterization of this concept are analyzed. It is indicated that the adaptationof the national legislation of Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union is a long and multi-stage process, the plan of whichis enshrined at the level of international treaties, including the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union of June27, 2014. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the provisions of the Association Agreement, which are directly devoted to internationalprivate law and legal relations which make up its subject matter.Special attention is paid to the issue of intellectual property law and its regulation under current legislation of Ukraine and AssociationAgreement between Ukraine and the European Union. Certain aspects referring trademark regulation are analyzed. Judicial practiceof the national court of Ukraine has been taken into account as well.It is crucial to stress that European integration processes have their direct impact on private international law system and its me -cha nism of legal regulation.


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One cannot ignore the fact that encyclicals had a direct or indirect influence on the adoption of the first social protection acts in Catholic Europe where encyclicals played an important role. Враховуючи об’єктивну складність адаптації як законотворчого явища, її план закріплений на рівні міжнародних договорів, основою для яких є Угода про асоціацію між Україною, з однієї сторони, та Європейським Союзом, Європейським співтовариством з атомної енергії і їхніми державами-членами, з іншої сторони, від 27 червня 2014 р.4 Окремі положення цієї Угоди присвячені й міжнародному приватному праву.

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