
The article deals with the reasons and expediency of educational reforms in Ukraine. The authors state that any reorganization is aconsequence of changes in socio-economic relations in society. The example of some European Union countries that have implemented educational reforms in different periods of their history shows and proves their effectiveness. The article considers the state of the Ukrainian labor market and the discrepancy between educational services and market needs, the global gap between the real sector of the economy and education . In addition,the directions of reforming the educational sector are outlined, which include: affordable and high-quality preschool education; new Ukrainian School; modern professional education; high-quality higher school and the development of adult education; promotion of Science and promotion of innovations. The authors state that today’s Ukrainian education does not meet modern demands of the individual and society, or the needs of the economy, or global trends. For this purpose the systematic transformation of this sphere is being carried out to ensure a new quality of education at all levels from pre-school education to high and adult one. As an example of educational reforms, which are a reaction to socio-economic conditions and changes in public relations, the article fragmentally mentions the reforms that took place in Europe in the late XIX - early XX century. It was during this period when rapid changes took place associated with the emergence of new equipment and new technologies. New approaches to the theory and practice of education and upbringing were needed, which would correspond to the rapid development of production due to the progress of Science and culture. The next dynamic social- economic changes characterize the period of the 50th- the 80th of the 20th century. The following steps of educational reorganization in the countries of the European Union concerning mostly the system of general secondary education became the reaction to these changes. The state of the Ukrainian labor market confirms a disappointing fact: thequalifications of graduates, the number of trained specialists in certain industries, and the quality of their knowledge and skills do not meet the needs of employers. Outdated standards of Ukrainian higher education do not keep pace with technological progress, innovation and demand from relevant professionals in an ever-increasing industry. In order to improve the quality of higher education in modern conditions and, most importantly, to help students in their preparation for their professional life outside the university classrooms, it is necessary to actively implement a more practical, applied approach to education. Thus, the integration of higher education in Ukraine into the European space is a necessity and one of the possibilities to overcome the social and economic crisis as soon as possible. In order to accelerate and increase the effectiveness of such integration, the authors of the article propose to use the following model of partnership: a higher educational institution – business – the state.

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