
This paper on Political Economic and Labour Economic Policies in the European Green Deal framework analyses the Recovery Plan and Resilience Facility. It pays attention to the effects on the design of new green jobs and the necessary skills to develop this type of new positions generated, with higher labour wellbeing. The paper is focused on the analysis of the green jobs’ opportunity for Europe, at a country level, with a specific analysis made for the Spanish case. A systematisation of the concepts and calculations on the issue is made and analysed (attending the international institutions and forums proposals) to harmonise the recovery plans, apply them beyond the energy sector to other related green activities and align the public and private sector, and other critical stakeholders, in achieving this goal. The following research questions were formulated: (1) what is the estimated number of new green jobs that would be created as a consequence of the implementation of the Recovery Plan in Spain; (2) which new soft skills or re-skilling would be necessary to develop such new green jobs; (3) how much are the new jobs aligned with Wellbeing Economics? The research was conducted by applying a few research methods, i.e., secondary sources, the desk research method and the exploration method, critical and comparative analysis, inductive and deductive reasoning and some mathematical calculations. The research contribution can provide a valuable source of information to coordinate sectoral plans by the policymakers, particularly those responsible for the economy, business, green activities and education.


  • In the last few years, many international institutions and forums committed to realising a climate-neutral economy of wellbeing: a model of satisfaction based on a balance relation of people–planet–profit [1]

  • GrAeeltnhoJoubgshGtheeneSrpaatnioisnh Recovery Plan [16] has four cross-cutting lines of action that s4e.1rv. eMaascrthoeecbonacokmbicosnVe ifeowr all the levers and components, we focus our analysis on the green i4n.1it.i1a.tAivnesO, tvheervsoie-cwalled ten lever policies

  • After the individual classification of the most relevant skills by country, we have developed a comparison analysis to detect the skills in which Spain is more deficient than the average (Figure 6)

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In the last few years, many international institutions and forums committed to realising a climate-neutral economy of wellbeing (beyond the welfare state economy model): a model of satisfaction based on a balance relation of people–planet–profit [1]. The EU Green Deal and the EU Recovery Instrument (NextGenerationEU) is an ample opportunity for the European Union To turn it into a success, it must be firmly based on the fundamental pillars of the EU system, the concepts of solidarity, sustainable and wellbeing development, environmental protection and labour relations generation. In the European Union, the Recovery Plan for Europe as well as the National Plans for each country can, enable member states to reap the full benefits of the green transition on the economy and employment, with the creation of new green jobs, stable, predictable and resilient economic growth and less pollution with healthier and cleaner air. Slower than average (1–2%) much faster than average (8% or higher) little or no change average (3–4%)

Green Growth
11. Modernisation of public administration
Modernisation of the tax system for inclusive and sustainable growth
20. National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence
Green Recovery PlaTnhs—e 2C0rMosasinCRouefnotrrmysVoifewthe Recovery Plan
Harmonisation and Unit of Measure Used
Discussion and Conclusions
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