
Abstract ‘Silver Queen’ sweet corn was planted in 4-row plots 50 ft in length on 25 May. Distance between rows was 3 ft. Distance between plants within the row was 9 inch. Treatment plots were replicated 4 times and arranged in a randomized complete block design. Insecticides were mixed in 5 gal of water and applied with a Hi-Boy tractor equipped with a spray boom delivering 30 gal per acre. ECB stalk damage was assessed by selecting 5-10 plants per plot and counting the number of ECB entrance holes. At harvest (14 Sep) a sample of 100 ears from each treatment replicate was selected for grading. A 1 to 3 scale was used: 1―no apparent insect feeding (marketable); 2―slight feeding damage to tip and leaves; 3―severe damage, evidence of boring.

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