
Introduction. Important in the process of European integration is determinants of maritime transport infrastructure competitiveness management with modern European requirements for improving provision of efficient technology services in maritime transportation. Scilicet necessary harmonization of economic processes and their compliance with European and world standards, however, when maritime transport infrastructure interacts with the external environment there is a certain contradiction between need to integrate into the international economy, on the one hand, and ensuring effective domestic economic integration protecting national interests, on the other hand. The purpose of the paper is to identify the determinants of European integration hat affect the management of the competitiveness of maritime transport infrastructure. Results. Based on the literature content analysis, the determinants of managing the competitiveness of maritime transport infrastructure are determined. Using the method of morphological analysis, it was determined euro-integration determinants competitiveness management marine transport infrastructure which are separated by directions and also allocated them within constructive and destructive nature. Conclusion. Having formed a look at the main determinants of managing the competitiveness of maritime transport infrastructure, it should be noted that, despite importance of each determinant separately, an integral condition is their integrated interaction which affects the provision and increase of competitiveness of the studied area. The results of the study indicate that the European integration determinants of managing the competitiveness of maritime transport infrastructure is one of the most important characteristics that is used to establish conceptual frameworks and form an effective methodology for managing the competitiveness of maritime transport infrastructure.

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