
The purpose of this paper is to examine the added value of the judicial dialogue on the application of the EU Charter from the point of view of a national asylum and immigration court.


  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the added value of the judicial dialogue on the application of the EU Charter from the point of view of a national asylum and immigration court

  • First and foremost, we would like to thank the members of the Centre for Judicial Cooperation for organising the eNACT Workshop on the Techniques of Judicial Interaction in the Application of the EU Charter: asylum and immigration

  • Informal exchanges such as those we have today are no less important. These discussions do facilitate the endorsement of the principles guiding the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and allow discovering or rediscovering that most practical and theoretical questions that arise, rarely substantially differ from one country to another. This contribution presents three examples of cases brought before the Belgian Council of Alien Law Litigations (“Council”), where the judges either used the case law of the CJEU in their judgment or decided to ask the CJEU for a preliminary ruling

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Centre for Judicial Cooperation

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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
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