
The article is devoted to the study of general provisions that form the methodological basis for the impact of changes in the context indicators, the dynamics of the main ones on a global scale, observed the change in the agriculture of EU membership. The forecast analysis showed a low probability of significant changes in the share of agriculture in GDP and exports in all groups of countries, which suggest that differentiation between EU countries in terms of agricultural development, will continue. It is proved, that in the EU there are two opposite trends: convergence, which is stimulated by the CAP to ensure the formation of a single EU agricultural complex, and divergence due to the specialization of countries in the production of those agricultural products for which countries have the most favorable conditions. In addition, significant differences and fluctuations in labour productivity should be noted in agriculture, due to differences in natural conditions in different years, fluctuations in the euro exchange rate, which affects the competitiveness of agricultural products in the world market. These results might also be useful for determination the directions of development and improvement of CAP and for using by other countries comparable to the NMS which experience similar integration issues.

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