
Summary The study of the agricultural practices modification (intensification and extensification) on the flood plain vegetation was carried out thanks to two sort of monitoring, a comparative synchronic on the one hand, a diachronic historic (comparison with a study realised in 1958) and experimental (with permanent plots) on the other hand. These two methods allow us to show the vegetation modifications in the prairial vegetation of the Meuse after the intensification of the agricultural practices which find expression in: the disappearance of two prairial types, the Bromus erectus meadows and the Filipendula ulmaria formation; the impoverishment of the floristic diversity with the enhancement of the fertilisation (mean number of species per releve is falling from 36 to 25); the decrease of oligotrophic (Linum catharticum, Ophioglossum vulgatum, Succisa pratensis) and meso—oligotrophic (Briza media, Rhinanthus minor) species. On the contrary, the restoration of the floristic biodiversity after the settl...

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