
Dayak Mayan is the only tribe in Mensusai Village, Suhaid District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. They utilize natural products in the form of animals or animals for daily needs such as consumption needs (protein), for traditional rituals, medication, mystical and commercial activities. Animals are used for medecine based on experience and tradition for generations. The research objective was to obtain data of animals species that used as medicine and to obtain data on the processing and usage of animals as medicine by the Dayak Mayan in Mensusai Village, Suhaid District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. The method used are survey method, respondents was selected by snowball sampling techniques and data collection using a questionnaire. Based on result research that there are 14 types of animals that are believed by the Dayak Mayan Community and are commonly used or used as medicine. Animal body parts that are used for treatment are thorns, flesh, bile, fur, blood, scales, fat, honey and skin. How to use it by being stuck in the river, eaten, drunk, taped to the broken part and smeared.Keywords: Dayak Mayan Tribe, Ethnozoological, Medicine


  • Dayak Mayan is the only tribe in Mensusai Village, Suhaid District, Kapuas Hulu Regency

  • The research objective was to obtain data of animals species that used as medicine and to obtain data on the processing and usage of animals as medicine by the Dayak Mayan in Mensusai Village, Suhaid District, Kapuas Hulu Regency

  • Based on result research that there are 14 types of animals that are believed by the Dayak Mayan Community and are commonly used or used as medicine

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan data mengenai jenis satwa yang dimanfaatkan untuk obat dan memperoleh data mengenai cara pemanfaatan dan proses pengolahan atau penggunaan pada setiap jenis satwa untuk obat yang digunakan oleh suku Dayak Mayan di Desa Mensusai, Kecamatan Suhaid, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Bagian tubuh dari landak yang dipercaya oleh Masyarakat Dayak dimanfaatkan sebagai obat yaitu duri Daging anjing dipercaya oleh masyarakat Dayak Mayan untuk mengobati orang yang kurang darah, dengan cara memakan daging anjing yang sudah dimasak.

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