
The collapse of the USSR resulted in a decline of institutions which had supported the dominance of ethnic Russians throughout the periphery of the country. In their place new institutions and mechanisms have been developed to regulate the access of people of different nationalities to power, resources and prestige. This paper provides a comparative analysis of ethnic transformation in 10 of the 14 successor states of the former Soviet Union. The analysis identified five types of ethnic transformation in the successor states. In the Baltics the attempts of titular ethnic groups to secure predominance over ethnic Russians and radically transform institutions of the Soviet state resulted in the creation of exclusive ethnic democracies. In Central Asia an elite-negotiated transformation led to t h e emergence of ethnocracies in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, while the regimes formed in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were characterized by a mixture of ethnocratic and consociationalist features. In Moldova a failed attempt at unification with Romania eventuated in policies directed toward the creation of a Moldovan ethno-territorial federation. Finally, in Ukraine gradual reforms and attempts to abolish any ethnic hierarchy have led to the creation of consociationalism, in which ethnic Russians and Ukrainians, Russophones and Ukrainophones share power over the state.


  • During this century the populations of the non-Russian territories of the USSR went through two periods of radical change: adaptation to Russian dominance within the Soviet Union and a withdrawal from it

  • Under an ethnic authoritarian regime, ethnic Russians occupying positions of privilege and power would be replaced by individuals of the titular nationality, while power would be concentrated in the hands of an eponymous elite that would not be constitutionally responsible to the people

  • Because the Russian communities in Latvia and Estonia were much larger than in Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia went through much wider 'ethnic hegemony-civic nationalism' swings than Lithuania

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Socialines taoatvbes klausimai

Santrauka zlugus komunistiniam reiimui Maskvoje, sunyko ir socialiniai institutai, daug prisidejq jteisinant rusy dominavimq buvusioje Soviety Sqjungoje. Suirus Soviety Sqjungai, pradejo formuotis nauji institutai, paskirstantys turtq, valdiiq ir prestiiq tarp skirtingos etnines kilmes imoniy. Baltijos Salyse pagrindines etnines grupes sieke subordinuoti tia gyvenaneius rusus, o kartu radikaliai pertvarkyti sovietines valstybes institutus. Sitaip Siame regione buvo sukurti "iiskirtines demokratijos" reiimai. Centrineje Azijoje etninius-politinius pokytius inicijavo elito grupes, kurios sudare tarpusavio koalicijas ir susitarimus. Sitaip etnokratiniai reiimai buvo sukurti Turkmenijoje, Tadiikistane ir Uzbekijoje. Kirgizijoje ir Kazachstane susik~rusiovs alstybes jgavo etnokratiniy ir konsocionalizmo bruoiy. Nepavykusios Moldovos pastangos susivienyti su Rumunija 1991-1992-aisiais metais parode, jog Sitas uidavinys veliau buvo pertvarkytas j siekimq sukurti etninq-teritorinq federacijq. Ukrainoje privilegijuotq rusy padetj pakeite konsocionalizmo principai, kai rusai ir ukrainai tolygiai pasidalijo valdiiq Salyje

Abstract b
If multiethnic elites agree to share power in
Patterns of Ethnic Stratification i n the Late Soviet Period
Ethnic Tkansformation in the Successor States of the USSR
Transformation t Establishment of Ethnic Hegemony
Socialines tapatybes klausirnai
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