
The problem of self-determination of a nation is an urgent topic in ethnopolitics, since it is a complex concept that includes national and cultural identity and civic consciousness, patriotism and statesmanship, culture in the sphere of social harmony and interethnic relations. For multi-ethnic states with a complex population, the formation and strengthening of a creative national identity within the country is a pledge of friendship and solidarity in society, a way of integration into the national idea and national development. However, the complexity and internal inconsistency of the formation of national identity is a more serious task, therefore, various concepts and models arise in world political practice. It is very important to be able to conduct their comparative analysis, generalize and receive appropriate lessons. The authors of this article consider the concepts of «national identity» from the point of view of various scientific schools of the world (French, German, etc.). The role of the considered forms of identity in the formation and development of modern society is also analyzed. The article analyzes the features of ethnic identity, world experience and the Kazakh model, considers the problem of formation and preservation of national and cultural identity from the standpoint of ethnopolitical concepts. Topical issues of the implementation of national policy and the formation of national-civic identity in multiethnic states are raised, proposals are given that contribute to the development of work in this direction. Keywords: national policy, ethnos, nation, nation, diaspora, cooperation, interethnic relations, national peculiarities.

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