
The phytogeographical survey for ethno medicinal plants at Rayagada district of Odisha were conducted to evaluate sources of medicinal plants. The survey divulged from out of 30 distinct species of plant and its 20 families are worked as treatment of urinary tract and kidney stones in herbal remedies. All survey on ethno medicines is completely collected by interviews with herbalists, village healers, local baidyas and practicing herbal medicine practitioners. The old and famous facts are called “The garden is the poor man's apothecary " and cure of every disease is concealed in nature. Kidney stones and Urinary tract have suffered human beings since ancient times. These are an important causes of kidney failure in India. So, India has less mortality and more morbidity, but they are highly impacted by socioeconomically conditions. In present survey we have observed from extract of ethno medicinal plant parts are used to cure urinary tract and kidney stones complications. The detailed study to explore the ethno medicinal plant of Rayagada district, Odisha.

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