
The report traces back sorces and basic periods of development of the europen institute of hospitality. The role of such factors as religion, everyday culture, ethnical ethiquet, international trade and tourism.On the basis of multidisciplinary approach the historical establishment of the institute of hospitality is concisely traced as an important factor of intercultural communication.It is worth while remembering that for a long time humanity existed according to the "law of the jungle": those who for various reasons, found themselves on foreign territory, were considered as mortal enemies that had to be destroyed or chased away.However, already in the distant past there are many examples of tolerant, friendly attitude to strangers. Very indicative in this respect is ancientGreece, where there was a ritual contract of proxeny – mutual hospitality between representatives of different policies. A good example for mankind was also ekehiriyi – a tradition of the sacred peace, which forbade the Greek state to wage war during the Olympic Games.A peculiar etiquette of hospitality has recently existed at nomadic farmers and mountaineers societes unprotected by state. The well-known hospitality of the Caucasian peoples, due to prolonged preservation of military-feudal social relations and geographic isolation which have contributed to the preservation of archaic features life.The core of Ukrainian hospitality rightly considered peasant, folk, origins of hospitality of the city, which in its turn can be differentiated on hospitality of burghers, merchants, craftsmen, clergy and representatives of the higher strata of the population. The high status of guests in Ukrainian and East Slavic traditions is based on Christian ethics, which teaches us to see in every stranger who came to the house, "a messenger of God, or God himself".Under the shelter of the Christian church in Western andEastern Europethere has been created a set of special shelters for the sick, the maimed, beggars, pilgrims. Medieval monks can rightly be considered the pioneers of social services for the poorest.Along with charitable / religious / form of hospitality there has long existed secular / commercial / hospitality, where the provision of certain services turned into a product for which you had to pay money. On this basis, since the nineteenth century, there has been formed an extensive international travel service industry with its infrastructure, standards and rules of etiquette.

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