
This article examines which ethical features can be found in the police's more economically oriented management tactics, as well as the extent to which ethical considerations are factored into police decision-making processes. In this approach, the article builds on the author’s previous work, which focused on a police resource's risk assessment. The goal of this research is to answer the scientific question of whether or not harmful police trends could have been detected sooner. In this context, it's worth noting that the police force and its members are under a lot of moral and ethical criticism from a population that's becoming increasingly critical across borders. The author concludes that every police officer's moral compass can really provide a foundation for police activity, based on a literature study and a secondary quantitative content analysis. It is demonstrated that, in terms of duty ethics, ethical features are heavily reliant on role models. However, such role models are not always available. Supervisors, on the other hand, do not always live up to their responsibility as role models. Professional ethics are being implemented and strengthened in the training of young police recruits, which is positive. It is intended that ethical considerations would become more prevalent in the police force.

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