
The relevance of the research is associated with an increasing interest to the ethical role both in social life and in business management. Some experts and analysts suggest that if organizations have a high ethical level they can reach significant results and prosperity, whereas those with a low ethical level are prone to regression, stagnation or ultimate failure. In the medical staff survey questionnaire, we have used English scholar's profile following the principle of «right-wrong answers». It includes 15 typical business-like situations describing a problem of ethical norm choice in professional activities. The survey enrolled 121 people from three different medical organizations: PHC (Primary Health Centre), Military medics and Regional Laboratory Centre doctors. Each team included both male and female doctors, and also only female nurses. Data showed a high ethical level in Military medics' team who followed the rules and orders with the ethical deductions. Ethical analysis of medical staff based on the gender dimension revealed women to be more ethically oriented than men. Training and ethical behavior improving should be an inherent part of medical staff development both in medical organizations and during skill improvement courses and training. The issues of ethical conduct and developing ethical skills of medical staff should be introduced in academic curricula of post-graduate studies for both doctors and nurses.


  • Актуальність обраного дослідження пов’язана з тим, що в останній час значно зріс інтерес до ролі етики як у житті суспільства, так і її роль в управлінні і бізнесі

  • The relevance of the research is associated with an increasing interest to the ethical role both in social life and in business management

  • Some experts and analysts suggest that if organizations have a high ethical level they can reach significant results and prosperity, whereas those with a low ethical level are prone to regression, stagnation or ultimate failure

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Актуальність обраного дослідження пов’язана з тим, що в останній час значно зріс інтерес до ролі етики як у житті суспільства, так і її роль в управлінні і бізнесі. Навчання і постійне удосконалення етичної поведінки має бути невід’ємним елементом розвитку і удосконалення медичного персоналу як на місцях у медичних закладах, так і під час тематичного професійного удосконалення медичних працівників на різних курсах і тренінгах. Питання етичної поведінки і формування етичних навичок медичного персоналу мають бути введені в учбові програми післядипломного навчання як лікарів, так і медичних сестер. Ключові слова: етичність медичного персоналу, рівень етичності, гендер, військові медики, лікарі, медичні сестри. In the medical staff survey questionnaire, we have used English scholar's profile following the principle of «rightwrong answers» It includes 15 typical business-like situations describing a problem of ethical norm choice in professional activities. Ethics is connected with a human's moral culture It can be described as characteristics of human moral development describing the process of understanding the society's moral experience; an ability to consistently use values, norms, and principles of ethics in the individual's behavior and relationships with other people; readiness for permanent self-improvement. The subject of the study is the ethical level of medical staff in various organizations, differing in working conditions and nature of activities, relationships with the society, and within the organization

Material and methods
Results and discussion
Total number
Ethical Level High Average Low Total
High Average Low Total
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