
Polish veterinarians are committed to specific behaviors. They have an obligation to actively prevent pollution of the natural environment and threats to public health. The law does not prohibit them from hunting though. Hunting birds with lead ammunition is harmful to the environment, birds and humans. In view of the above, it seems that this type of hunting should be forbidden to veterinarians. Unfortunately, Polish law makes it impossible to punish veterinary surgeons for bird hunting with lead ammunition. As hunters, veterinarians are probably aware of the harmfulness of such behavior, but they prioritize their pleasure over environmental concerns. This study examines Polish legal acts related to hunting by veterinarians and presents specific legal provisions requiring and forbidding specific behaviors of veterinarians. According to the law on the profession of the veterinary surgeon, members of this profession must not engage in bird hunting with lead ammunition. The study discusses the difficulty of changing the current situation and forcing Polish veterinary surgeons to abandon bird hunting with toxic ammunition and to actively fight this practice. Veterinarians, in particular those who are hunters, should actively oppose such forms of hunting that are harmful to the natural environment, especially the hunting of game birds with lead ammunition. In accordance with veterinary knowledge, ethics and deontology, all veterinarians should inform the public about the harmfulness of eating game animals shot with lead ammunition, in particular with lead pellets.

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