
The fluorescent Ca 2+ indicator fura-2 was used to follow cytosolic Ca 2+ transients during excitation-contraction coupling in suspensions of isolated rat heart cells induced to beat synchronously by electrical field stimulation. The Ca 2+ transient reached a maximum at about 30 ms after application of the electrical stimulus and then relaxed to the basal level over the following 200 ms. Treatment of the myocytes with 0.25 to 2.0% ethanol (40 to 340 m m) caused a decrease in the peak of the Ca 2+ transient, with no apparent change in the time to peak. This effect of ethanol occurred progressively over a period of about 1 min before a new stable state was achieved. At 1% ethanol the peak Ca 2+ level was reduced by 50%. Ethanol reversed the stimulatory effect of isoproterenol on peak Ca 2+ and at high levels of ethanol the β-adrenergic agonist no longer caused any enhancement of the Ca 2+ transient. Ethanol did not cause any marked change in the basal Ca 2+ level between beats. The effects of ethanol were readily reversible. These results suggest that the negative inotropic effect of ethanol observed in intact cardiac muscle preparations may result in part from interference with the Ca 2+ fluxes responsible for excitation-contraction coupling in ventricular myocytes.

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