
The bovine tuberculosis is a worldwide disease, being one of the mains zoonosis identified in frigorific slaughterhouses. The economic lost are related to low productivity, fall in the food conversion, reproduction and the conviction of carcasses in slaughterhouses, therefore, the control meods of this disease in Brazil are defined by the normative from the Progama Nacional de Controle e Erradicação de Brucelose e da Tuberculose Animal (PNCBET), instituted in 2001 by the Ministério de Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. This progam evolves the detection and slaughter of reagentes animals, with base in the intradermal test, based in the hypersensibility reaction provoked by the inoculation of the microbacterial antigen. The objective of this work was realized a retrospective study of state of Maranhão based in the acess to the Sistema de Informações Gerenciais dos Serviços de Inspeção Federal and th survey of data from cases of bovine tuberculosis in monthly relatories of collect by autonomous veterinaries habilitaded in the PNCEBT. The data foun by this study shows the importancy of the disease in a state scope, being that the conviction of carcasses in frigorific slaughterhouses in the time period of January, 2013 to December, 2018, was a total of 75 conviction with destination to grease, representing a prevalence of 0,003% and the data of cases of bovine tuberculosis in monthly maps from autonomous veterinaries abilities in PNCEBT relative to the time period from 2013-2018 was from 20 positive animals in a total of 207.557 examined animals with prevalence of 0,009%. Though the prevalence data being low, we can claim that the disease is endemic in Maranhão by virtue of absence of a state serological inquiry about the disease. Concludes that the bovine tuberculosis has great sanitary importance in the state of Maranhão.


  • Médica Veterinária/Fiscal Estadual Agropecuário da Agência Estadual de Defesa Agropecuária do Maranhão-AGED/Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação Profissional em Defesa Sanitária Animal-PPDDSA-UEMA

  • The objective of this work was realized a retrospective study of state of Maranhão based in the acess to the Sistema de Informações Gerenciais dos Serviços de Inspeção Federal and th survey of data from cases of bovine tuberculosis in monthly relatories of collect by autonomous veterinaries habilitaded in the PNCEBT

  • The data foun by this study shows the importancy of the disease in a state scope, being that the conviction of carcasses in frigorific slaughterhouses in the time period of January, 2013 to December, 2018, was a total of 75 conviction with destination to grease, representing a prevalence of 0,003% and the data of cases of bovine tuberculosis in monthly maps from autonomous veterinaries abilities in PNCEBT

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Material e métodos

O estudo foi realizado com base em análise no banco de dados dos órgãos oficiais de defesa animal do estado do Maranhão. Gerenciais dos Serviços de Inspeção Federal (SIGSIF), por meio de mapas e relatórios mensais on line das condenações de carcaças bovinas nos estabelecimentos, para o estudo foram consideradas as condenações por tuberculose bovina. No período de 01 de janeiro de 2013 a 31 de dezembro de 2018 foram abatidos 2.227.492 bovinos de 110 municípios do estado, os dados foram coletados de três estabelecimentos sob Serviço de Inspeção Federal no Estado do Maranhão, localizados em Igarapé do Meio, Imperatriz e Timon, com registro de 75 condenações de carcaças. Condenações de cabeças, carcaças, meias carcaças e órgãos bovinos por tuberculose bovina, destinação final das condenações e quantidade de condenações em abatedouros frigoríficos com Serviço de Inspeção Federal no período de 2013 a 2018 no estado do Maranhão

Quarto Traseiro
Quantidade de carcaças condenações
Zé Doca
Sítio Novo
Bovinos Examinados Exames Positivos
Referências bibliográficas
Full Text
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