
It is often heard that young people today are not as they used to. If there is one trait that characterizes the youth today is the fact that they were born in a technological world. This culture generally has an influence on the process of identity building, and more specifically on the way they learn. Taking this reality as a starting point, this article presents results of a study in which we interviewed a group of teachers from a public university in Argentina in order to know their views about the current student. 27 semi-structured interviews with university teachers were performed. The data analysis followed a qualitative method of constructing categories from the discourse of the interviewees. The research findings highlight that faculty respondents generally agree and describe the college student today as highly technological, with ample opportunities to access to information, with a capacity to handle several tasks simultaneously but with some difficulties in reading and writing activities and critical reflection. The above features induce teachers to constantly attempt to renew their practices to adjust to the college student today.


  • Una visión desde la ‘lente’ de docentes universitarios know their views about the current student. 27 semi-structured interviews with university teachers were performed

  • The data analysis followed a qualitative method of constructing categories from the discourse of the interviewees

  • The research findings highlight that faculty respondents generally agree and describe the college student today as highly technological, with ample opportunities to access to information, with a capacity to handle several tasks simultaneously but with some difficulties in reading and writing activities and critical reflection

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Diseño de investigación y contexto de trabajo

Con la finalidad de conocer las percepciones que un grupo de docentes mantiene acerca del alumno de hoy así como para indagar acerca de acciones o innovaciones que introducen en sus prácticas en pos de atender a las características del alumno del siglo XXI, se llevó adelante un estudio de tipo exploratorio. Se trabajó con un grupo de docentes universitarios a cargo del dictado de las asignaturas que conforman el plan de estudios de la carrera Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía. Teniendo conocimiento del plan de estudios se procedió a contactar vía e-mail a los responsables de cada asignatura (o bien, a quien pudiera operar como informante de los datos necesarios de recoger en el marco del estudio) para pactar un encuentro personal en el que se realizaría una entrevista semi-estructurada acerca de las cuestiones que interesan a la presente investigación. Los docentes que dieron respuesta a la solicitud de contacto fueron 27, quienes están a cargo de las 44 materias que conforman el plan de estudio de la Licenciatura en Psicopedagogía

Características del grupo de docentes
Instrumento de recogida de datos
Procedimientos de análisis
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