
Over time, housing has been deformed in terms of space, square meters and habitability factors, as a consequence of the demographic growth of the city of Queretaro. This deformation of housing has had repercussions on the way human beings live, as they find themselves in the need to live in small places that are not designed for comfort, and are aimed at generating an extra resource for landlords. With this selected problem, an investigation was carried out in real estate platforms, elaborating comparative factors of habitability, design and price of this type of housing, to know the quality-cost relationships within the area near universities in the city of Queretaro, by comparing various factors. The purpose of this research and data collection is to generate a list of design strategies, in search of comfort in lofts, applying knowledge of neuroarchitecture and using similar projects in other countries as a reference. As a result, it is intended to raise awareness and improve the quality of life in lofts by providing practical strategies.

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