
Airborne magnetic data covering geographical latitudes of 7000‟N to 7030‟N and longitudes of 3 30′E to 4 00′E within Ibadan area were obtained from Nigeria Geology Survey Agency. The data were ana-lyzed to map the sub surface structure and the source parameters were deduced from the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of magnetic data. The upward continuation technique was used to de-emphasize short – wavelength anomaly while the depth to magnetic sources in the area was deter-mined using local wavenumber technique, the analytic signal was also employed to obtain the depths of the magnetic basement. Analysis involving the local wavenumber, upward continuation and appar-ent magnetic susceptibility techniques significantly improves the interpretation of magnetic data in terms of delineating the geological structure, source parameter and magnetic susceptibility within Iba-dan area.. These depth ranges from 0.607km to 2.48km. The apparent susceptibility map at the cut-off wavelength of 50 m ranges from -0.00012 to 0.00079 which agree with the susceptibility value of some rock types; granite gneiss, migmatite biotite gneiss, biotite muscovite granite, hornblende granite, quartz and schists. The result of the local wavenumber suggests variation along the profiles in the surface of magnetic basement across the study area.

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