
ABSTRACT Crushed waste rocks (CWR) are widely used to build mine haul roads. However, the permanent deformation in waste rocks layers can result in surface rutting. Realistic prediction of pavement rutting requires models that can accurately capture the permanent deformation behaviour under repeated loading. However, such models are usually based on advanced laboratory apparatus such as multistage (MS) repeated load triaxial (RLT) tests. In this study, a new approach, using MS repeated load California Bearing Ratio (RLCBR) tests, was proposed to estimate the permanent deformation behaviour of CWR. MS RLCBR tests are faster, easier and more often available than MS RLT tests. A series of MS RLCBR and MS RLT tests for different stress levels were therefore carried out on the same material to characterise CWR permanent deformation behaviour. Results showed that Rahman and Erlingsson model that modified by time hardening approach could satisfactorily capture CWR permanent deformation behaviour for MS RLT tests. A new model was proposed and fitted on MS RLCBR test results to predict CWR permanent deformation behaviour. This model performed well in describing MS RLCBR test results and predicting the CWR permanent deformation behaviour. Results indicate that MS RLCBR tests could be an effective alternative to MS RLT tests for estimating the permanent deformation behaviour of CWR.

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