
In this paper, the radon concentrations in the houses of (10) locations were measured using real-time continuous radon monitor RAD-7 detector together with estimating the corresponding female and male organ doses using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation software at Al- Najaf city-Iraq. It is found that the radon concentrations varied from (8.75±1.1 Bq/m3) to (32.32±4.0 Bq/m3 with an average (20.57±2.90 Bq/m3). The resulted data for male reveal that the bladder received the highest dose at 9.78E-05 μGy/h in Missan, while the salivary gland was noticed to have the highest dose in each of Jmhorria, Adalh, Saad and Milad regions with dose rates of 4.65E-05, 3.59E-05, 5.72E-05 and 3.45E-05 μGy/h respectively. In Asskry Najaf regions the highest dose was seen to be with the Lung with 9.30E-05 μGy/h. In Asskiry Kufa and Mutnaby the highest organ doses were attributed to the bone surface at 9.73E-05 and 9.62E-05 μGy/h respectively. In Tmoz and Sirai regions, the highest organ doses were with Extrathor airways and thyroid at 6.64E-05 and 9.65E-05 μGy/h respectively. By contrast, the female findings reveal the doses for all organs and across all considered neighborhoods ranged from 1. E-04 μGy/h to 9E-05 μGy/h. Finally, it can be concluded that all results of radon concentrations in ten locations samples were within the range allowed according to ICRP. The organ doses seem to be very low which in turn reduce the concern realted to the effect of radiation.

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